Meet Safura Fathima, the dynamic force behind the finance operations at SRA Group. From her early days as a bookkeeper to leading the finance department, Safura’s journey is a testament to dedication, growth, and the power of teamwork. In this spotlight, we delve into her career path, the rewarding aspects of her role, and how she and her team support the broader SRA community. Let’s explore Safura’s insights and experiences that highlight the integral role of finance in driving SRA’s success.

Safura Response: I started off as a bookkeeper at SRA in the year 2021 and worked my way up from there. SRA gave me the opportunity to grow within the company and I was fortunate enough to have my peers support me throughout the journey.

The most rewarding aspect of my job is that I get to help lots of people within the IT industry. I can leverage my position to curate solutions based on different situations. This helps me become creative in my role and helps the company improve their processes in the future.
By reading a lot on LinkedIn, Financial Times, and following new trends on social media.
My biggest challenge was managing over 100+ consultants at once across the many different subsidiaries that SRA owns. I overcame this challenge by growing and training my team to be more service-oriented, which has been instrumental in managing the workload efficiently.
The finance department has helped the HR team and Sales team daily. We help curate offer letters for HR and create SOWs for clients. We help the sales team in identifying potential clients and/or help revive old clients.
During the summertime, I play lots of tennis or squash. My husband and I also love to travel a lot, and we visited Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay in 2024.
Professionally, I have decided to be certified in payroll, i.e., I am working towards becoming a CPM (Certified Payroll Manager).
Safura’s dedication and her journey at SRA Group underscore the importance of growth, learning, and teamwork in achieving professional excellence. Her story is an inspiration for all aspiring professionals in the finance sector.