While monetary benefits are undoubtedly important, our poll results suggest that employees value factors beyond financial compensation when it comes to workplace wellness. Supportive management, positive team culture, and flexible working arrangements were among the top-ranked responses, highlighting the significance of fostering a supportive, inclusive, and adaptable work environment. As we reflect on these findings, it’s clear that creating a healthy work environment goes beyond just perks and benefits—it’s about fostering a culture of support, collaboration, and flexibility. At SRA, we’re committed to prioritizing these factors and ensuring that our workplace remains a place where every individual can thrive.

Let’s take these insights and continue to build a workplace that not only meets the needs of our employees but also celebrates their contributions and accomplishments.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll! Your insights help us better understand what matters most to our community, and we’re committed to continuing to prioritize the factors that contribute to a healthy and thriving workplace.
Let’s keep the conversation going and continue to build a workplace where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed!